Friday, April 11, 2008

MSN AMV Review #3: Viral Iron Chef / The Air in my Lungs

Welcome to the MSN AMV Review.  This week's videos were MetorDragon's Viral Iron Chef video and Mal's The Air in My Lungs video.  

Judges for this week's review were:  Ghet, miss sakura-san, Amo-Chan, SF_Phoenix, Millenium Strive, Meteor Dragon and CodeChrono

If you wish to participate in the future videos, please contact me at:

Please Note:  Conversations have been cut/edited for content and for clairty.

First Video:  Viral Iron Chef


Ghet says:
i thought that it was very well done for an IC video and it definitely captured the mood of the song, while using an anime that wouldnt really be attributed to the kind of song

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
I kind of had a different perspective. I think it was well edited with the song/anime, but I don't think it fit perfectly. Though, we have to remember that this is an IC video. DId you have a choice in the footage/song chosen?

Ghet says:
song was given to him, footage was his choice

Amber says:
I think the song was crazy annoying. Not my type. Other than that, I liked it. It was really fast paced. And I liked the counting backwards sort of theme.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
In that case, I think the source footage could have worked better as something else.

Steven `џ´ says:
I felt the video was alright. The thing that kinda bugged me a bit was that it was difficult for me to actually understand the lyrics, might be just me though.

Sakura says:
I'm not really a fan of IC videos so to me it was ok but since it was an IC I can't really go into depth about it

Sakura says:
though I did like the song choice

MD/Willie says:
actually...I had nothing that went with the I picked digi because I just bought it

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
My biggest complaint was that the song was fast paced, while the editing was slow paced. The sync just really wasn't there for me.

Steven `џ´ says:
To be perfectly honest, this video didn't exactly interest me too greatly

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Being an old-school digimon fan (one of my first anime watched) I was really kind of dissapointed to see it being given such a dark tone.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
The footage, to me, needs to be used in dramatic, uplifting videos. The video was schitophrentic to me. It tried too hard to be too many different Genres.

Steven `џ´ says:
I haven't seen the movie either, so that might have been why I couldn't really 'get' it

Amber says:
As far as the IC vid was ok. It looked nice and I like vids that create alternate worlds for the anime used. But...the song just killed it for me...

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
This video screamed "look!! It took me (insert amount of time here) to make this!"

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
On a score scale, I'd probably give a 6/10.

Amber says:
I'd give it a 6 as well, just for the fact that it's IC.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Had this been a full-fledge AMV, I would have been seriosly dissapointed.

Steven `џ´ says:
well I'd give it a 6.5 because of the fact that it was an IC, otherwise it would have been lower

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
So probably a 6.20/10.00?

Steven `џ´ says:
i think thats ok

Score for Viral Iron Chef:  6.20/10.00


The Air In My Lungs Review

CodeChrono *Zack* says:

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
AFter watching several times, my opinion changed.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
I sort of took the video as lazy and relied mostly on the more emotional aspects of the anime/games chosen.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Added to a pretty song for impact.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
That' not to say it's abad video, in any sense.

Amber says:
That's what I liked about it. All those emotional moments and how each moment sort of melted into the next. I get all girly emotional with these types of vids.

Steven `џ´ says:
Hmm, for me this video was more like a feel-good video for me. I liked a lot of the way he decided to flow stuff here

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
The lack of fades made it hard for me to give it a gorgeous score. X_X then again, I am totally biased against fast cuts. XD

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Though the sync is gorgous.

Steven `џ´ says:
back to the video though, I particularily really liked how similar scenes were chosen and put together (ie, falling scenes)

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Yes. Mal has some of the most ineteresting ways to sync videos.

Amber says:
My only complaint would be the clown actually...

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
That bugged me too.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
It looked out of place and lasted way too long.

Amber says:
Because I have a was this happy great video and suddenly my freaking worst fear is staring at me.

Steven `џ´ says:
yeah the clown was kinda weird

Steven `џ´ says:
there was another scene where someone fell off a balcony in like half a second. I found that too abrupt and was almost laughable for me =(

Steven `џ´ says:
at 1:48

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
That was weird. O_O

Amber says:
Oh, from Romeo and Juliet...

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Not to totally change tracks, but I was spellbound by the amazing video quality. I usually dont' bring that up, but it was spectacular in this video.

Steven `џ´ says:
quality was definitely a good thing in this video

Amber says:
Most definitely.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
What was "bad" about this video?

Amber says:
The clown XD...

Steven `џ´ says:
I'd say some scene selections and the beginning I didn't find too interesting

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
My gripe is the lack of fading and the quick scene selections.

Steven `џ´ says:
as per scene selection, I mean like the clown, the balcony, scenes with Yuki were a bit too bloody for this song, etc

Amber says:
And some of the "bloody scenes" seemed out of place for me.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
WTF was up with Yuki getting skewered in one scene, going to another scene, then her getting skewered again?

Steven `џ´ says:
yeah that was my reaction too, and the song wasn't a violent one, and that scene was like the only violent scene

Amber says:
Well, I'm not a fan of that normally I don't mind seeing her get scewered, but it did feel out of place.

Steven `џ´ says:
the cuts i didn't find too bothersome

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Though the Clannad footage really made the video for me. And that one anime with the interesting art style. The others didn't cut it for me.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
I think what took away from the video was the massive amount of source footage. Cutting back by about 2-4 anime would have made it better IMHO.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Haurhi being one of them.

Steven `џ´ says:
yeah there felt a bit too much, but I gotta admit that this is one amv that used anime with diff art styles and it didn't bug me at all

Steven `џ´ says:
there are a lot of videos where I feel that the difference in art damaged the flow, but it didn't feel like that here

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
18 Anime in total.

Amber says:
I really like that they used so many different kinds. With the exception of Haruhi. But, even parts of Haruhi really fit...just not Yuki getting impaled many times.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
I think that perhaps 12-14 would have been best.

Amber says:
Although, from the words of the song, I understand why those moments were used.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
What did you guys think about the Tales of Abyss footage.

Ghet says:
hmn, what do we think about it as in?

Steven `џ´ says:
well, what do you mean by 'what do we think'? as in quailty wise?

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
No, as in if it looks goodin the video.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
I wasn't a huge fan.

Amber says:
I thought it did.

Ghet says:
id have to say that at 0:23 not as much, but in other parts it worked pretty well

Ghet says:
like, the part with the blonde girl

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Then again, I'm not an overly huge fan of multi-footage. The video just seemed so random at times that it bugged me.

Steven `џ´ says:
I felt it was ok, animation wise it looked a bit different than the rest, but nothing too bad for me

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Tales of the Abyss was one of those that I though would be better without.

Ghet says:
at some parts the multi footage was waay too blatent, but at some parts it was integrated almost flawlessly

Amber says:
And the clown...don't forget that scary clown.

Ghet says:
it struck me as more of a romance vid than anything (the song that is, the video was just a general drama)

Ghet says:
and the storyline was dull if any

Steven `џ´ says:
and the balcony scene

Ghet says:
the paprika footage really stuck out as something that shouldnt be there

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Ya know. The video started out really well executed. It just kind of died from the weight of its own footag.e

Millenium Strife says:
A lot of scenes seemed to flow what that video, but yeah, some just stuck out and didn't fit. IE: The clown, Yuki/powned, and such.

Ghet says:
id say mostly because of the song

Ghet says:
he played with different animes too much for the song

Ghet says:
kinda looked to me like a failed attempt at Jihaku

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Like I've stated before, this would have been a really good video if it had been a lot less anime.

Millenium Strife says:
I personally don't like to use too many anime in a video, and this one did seem to use too many

Ghet says:
chrono: yup, pretty much

Steven `џ´ says:
i also agree that less would have been better

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
But for what it was, it wasn't horrible. It just wasn't ovelry amazing.

Steven `џ´ says:
it starts to feel unbalanced when you see a lot of a couple of them and not much of the rest

Amber says:
I like multi-anime vids a lot, so I'm going to go against the general thought here.

Ghet says:
dont get me wrong, i like multi anime vids

Millenium Strife says:
Don't get me wrong, when done properly, multiple anime videos can be excellent.

Ghet says:
this one just went over the top

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
What really bugged me the most was that the video didn't really ahve a "climax". It just went on and on and eventually ended.

Steven `џ´ says:
I love multi as well (pretty much all i make), but i do agree that this could have done a better job on choice

Steven `џ´ says:
Chrono: that part didn't really bug me, thats why i said it felt like a feel-good for me, and I liked it for that

Ghet says:
it just seemed like some scenes from multiple animes, with some lyric sync when it worked out, with a slow song

Millenium Strife says:
I'm guessing that "Fin" was embedded and not actually created by the editor, or am I not seeing that correctly?

Ghet says:
i didnt see much beyond that

Ghet says:
if your vid needs a "fin" on it, you know its not structured enough

Steven `џ´ says:
well i think it could have just faded out and had the same effect.... i don't really see anything wrong with the 'fin'

Millenium Strife says:
So, I didn't have an real gripe about that, just seemed a bit tacked on. For what it is worth, it seems that the editor started the video with a similar scene.

Steven `џ´ says:
when i first watched it, it felt like that was what he was aiming for, and i thought it was pretty nice the way the majority of it was done to meet that

Steven `џ´ says:
hence, a 'feel-good' video

Millenium Strife says:
While it wasn't part of the video, the ending credits ended with that all-too-familiar scene of that girl being crushed by the train after flipping over the railcrossway guard. I've probably seen that in about 5 random videos I've watched since the beginning of the month.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
Well, I think we've gone over most of the aspects of the video. Let's all give it a score out of 10, so an average can be found.

Steven `џ´ says:
7.5 from me, the mood and flow of motion syncs wins me over here

Amber says:
Well, I really liked this one a LOT, and I'm tempted to give it a 10. But, for a couple of things (scary clown and whatnot) I'm going to go with an 8.5.

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
7 from me

Millenium Strife says:
Well, based on the overall feel of the video and the flow, except for some iffy scene choices. This person's style slightly reminds me of my own video editing style when I made my first videos. I'll give it a 8/10.

MD/Willie says:

CodeChrono *Zack* says:
So about 7.50 average.

Review Score for The Air In My Lungs:  7.50/10.00

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